I credit my parents for the obsession with mythology and the fantastic that I’ve had since I was a very young child; it’s hard to remain rooted in one place when one’s name launches the imagination into hyper-drive. My childhood was spent in my grandfather’s library, playing in the garden and watching Vincent Price’s Classics of Terror with my grandmother. I’m a neurodiverse artist, so trying to understand the world has been my ongoing inspiration and purpose.

I started to write as soon as I could read, and my first large-scale illustration was created at the age of five. My grandmother had left me to my own devices for a couple of hours, only to come back into the room and find that I had drawn a Martian invasion of Earth on three of the walls.  To her credit -and my artistic growth-  she didn’t get angry;  she commended me for my creativity and handed me a piece of paper instead. She left those murals up for the next fifteen years. As a teenager,  I discovered BradburyAsimov, Madeleine L’Engle, and Tolkien. The more I read the more I wanted to read, and I haven’t stopped since!  My art has always gone hand in hand with my writing, and I love to bring my worlds to life through both.

Here you’ll find some of my worlds. Hope you enjoy them. My writing site can be found at www.apisteicher.com